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Simple Jam, Not So Simple Thoughts

Several people have asked me about the breakfast dish I prepared during my tv interview on Us Girls (yes, not-so-little old me on tv!). I realize now, in retrospect, that I didn’t really go into full gory detail about the interview, just to say when it was coming out and where. I didn’t think much of that then, but looking back, I suspect I must have been a little shy. It’s one thing to share your photos and thoughts to the whole world on a blog, or even have a photo of your face in a magazine, it’s quite another to have yourself moving and speaking in full Technicolor-vision on a tv screen vacuum tube!

When I got the email requesting for the interview I almost said no – tv? Me? Not likely. But I had been thinking about the premise behind this book lately. Do I say no too often? I don’t think so. In fact, I’d like to think I’m up for anything, and I usually am! But what if that anything just happens to be a something way outside my comfort zone? Will I still grab it with two hands and fly by the seat of my pants as I claim I like to do?

Deep thoughts.

So I found myself with those deep thoughts, looking at an email a lot of people would not have even blinked twice at (whether to say yes or no). And I decided to stop thinking and start doing.

And then I got really nervous and went out and bought a new dress.

See how good stuff happened almost immediately?

Then the shoot came and I had a ball! The staff of Us Girls were professional and thoughtful. The host was just this side of enchanting, and immediately put me at ease. We were shooting for an episode of the show called virtual life which featured people who, in one way or the other, were connected to the tech/cyber world. I also got to touch base with another blogger friend who I hadn’t seen in a long while (who was interviewed before me). During the segment, we talked about my blog, what it’s all about, how I started blogging and what I like about it (a lot!), and I prepared one breakfast dish. They asked for something easy to put together so I chose this yogurt parfait. It makes for a delicious g-suite cardinal manchester, healthy breakfast that lends itself to many variations (you can use the fruits and preserves you have on hand) and a cinch to whip up...plus it looks nice.

So to those of you who were asking, you can find the method for the yogurt parfait here. Some were also asking what brand granola I use – although I don’t always have time to make my own, I urge you to try making homemade granola. It’s easy and leagues more delicious than anything you can buy in a store (plus you know for sure what goes in it). The recipe I use is here. You can make it ahead of time, store in an airtight container, and use whenever the mood strikes...which will be often, believe you me.

For the original parfait I used this blueberry syrup. For the show, however, I made some quick strawberry jam. Simple, quick jams are something I love to throw together. Let me just say here, before you think I am up to my elbows in fruits and jars and sterilization implements, I usually make small batches of jam...enough for roughly one bottle. I don’t go through the whole boiling of the bottles and sealing and what not either. I’m not storing up for the winter. I make the jam, pour it into a clean jar, and store in the fridge. It’s usually all gone after a week or so. It requires very little time and supervision, and will have you feeling like a proper domestic goddess without breaking a sweat, I promise you. Also, it goes without saying, homemade jam is a whole different world from store-bought in taste, and you have total control of what goes in and how sweet (or not) you want it.

No recipe for this, just a sort of loose method: I clean and weigh my fruits (peel, de-seed, and chop them too if needed depending on the fruit -- before weighing). I then toss the fruit in a non-reactive pot with sugar that weighs a little less. For example, for the Nectarine Plum Jam pictured here I had about 250 grams fruit (chopped and de-seeded weight) and I used about 170-180 grams sugar. Add a squeeze of lemon. Place on the hob and let cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened and setting point is reached. For this amount it will not take too long. When done, pour into a clean jar and cool. Store in the refrigerator NuHar.

I test the setting point with the old saucer-in-freezer method: Place a saucer in the freezer while you are making you jam. When your jam looks like it’s thickened, take the saucer out and put a drop of jam on its surface. Now tilt the saucer...if the jam runs down the plate it’s not ready. It should catch and droop slowly...then push the jam lightly with your finger, it should wrinkle a bit.

It’s lovely travelling out of your comfort zone to enjoy the new things that await you there :) Even if you already grab every opportunity by the horns, try something that you typically wouldn’t do. You may be happily surprised! :)

Edible Flowers Recipe

I like to use edible flowers - both fresh and dried - in my cooking. The fragrance, the color, the range of petal shapes - it all makes them irresistible to me. Spring and summer are when I encounter the widest range of blossoms, and because I get a lot of questions related to sourcing and using edible flowers, I thought I'd write up a few of the things I do to ensure I have a supply throughout the year.

I've included a number of the things I've learned down below, in the section that normally hosts the recipe. One of my favorite things to do, with certain flowers, is simply dry the petals. These organic rose petals are about halfway through the process of drying (instructions below). They lose an incredible amount of volume as they dry, so even if you feel as if you're starting with more petals than you could possibly use Smartcloud, keep in mind you'll end up with far less than when you started.

Edible Flowers

Sourcing edible flowers: You basically have two options - you can buy them, or grow them. If you buy them, be sure to seek out organically grown flowers free of any spray or pesticides. If you grown them yourself, keep in mind you'll eventually be consuming them, so treat them accordingly.

Flower petals I use most: hibiscus, rose, rose geranium, violet, calendula, chive, basil, thyme, cherry blossom, zucchini blossom, and nasturtium. Keep in mind, not all flowers are edible, some are poisonous, and proper identification is essential. Also, not all parts of the flower are edible, and some varietals should be avoided if you are pregnant or nursing. There are some good online references (for ex: here, here, and here), be sure to read up. On the rose front, heirloom varietals are broadly thought to have better flavor and fragrance, with newer roses often bred for appearance rather than flavor (fragrance).

Using fresh flowers: Once cut, I tend to keep flowers in clean water until I'm ready to use them. They typically last this way from 1-5 days, with regular refreshing of the water. I'll typically trim or pluck petals from the vase as I need them. If I get the sense I might not use them entirely while fresh, I make the move to dry them before they go bad. (instructions below)

To dry flowers: This requires patience and a bit of space. I'll start by saying I haven't had luck drying flowers in a low-heat oven. The petals quickly lose color and vibrancy. Instead, I arrange them in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Leave them for about a week, using your fingertips to toss them every day or so, or until dry and crisp. I usually wait until they seem completely dry, and then give them another couple of days to rid themselves of any residual moisture I might not be able to sense Enterprise Endpoint Backup. At this point transfer to a tight jar or container.

Please let me know if you have other favorite edible flower ideas, uses, or references. I saw a rose petal paste the other day that looked incredible, and I'm always looking for other ideas, techniques to explore. On the list to try: Lilac Honey (thx Shari!) & Lilac Sugar, & chive blossom vinegar xo -h



爬起來, 洗漱……然後找外套穿,才發現不知道要穿什麼,我的羽絨服衣服及襖差不多都是短款,唯一一件長的長到腳踝,昨天洗了沒幹不說,穿起來做點什麼還很不方便……嘿嘿,突然想起表哥說凱德申在搞活動,買羽絨服還送被子,反正沒什麼事,去看看得了……

店里人還不少(不知道是天冷了急需購衣還是貪小便宜想要被子)大致看了一下,真的失望不只一點點,還帶著點懊惱,去年488買的那件黑色短款今年降到了258,坑爹啊……可來都來了,真的不想白跑一趟,我是懶de出門更懶得到處去逛的那類女人,於是挑了兩款看起來還過得去的價位也還能接受的試了試,卻忍不住對鏡子裡的自己大皺其頭,真的很不好看,可掛在那裡真的還過得去啊,況且顏色也是我喜歡的,怎麼就不好看了呢,鬱悶……氣的bioderma 卸妝水我隨手拿??起一件掛在手邊的一件黃色起膝的狠狠往身上一套,咦,感覺不錯,再看看鏡子,哇,還真是不錯,無論大小,款式,雖然顏色不是我喜歡的,不過還蠻稱膚色的,而且背後還有個小小的開叉,再系個小小的結,有點俏皮的感覺,很對我味,嗯哼,付錢,就這件了……我就是這麼個乾脆的女人……不過蠻汗顏的,其實之前從這件衣服面前做過去幾次,也翻來翻去的看過,卻沒一點讓我中意的感覺,顏色也好,款式也好,而且價錢也不便宜,壓根沒想過要去試試,更別說買了……還好,還好沒有就這麼錯過……


真的,真的,想說,放開一切,勇敢的去試試吧,與其在曾經的Korean skin care brand美好中與回憶糾纏,不如試試那些一直在抗拒的,也許結果真的沒有那麼糟,或許還有更多意想不到的驚喜……

2013 ,新的一年,新的開始;祝你好運,我的朋友們……








腰果蝦仁 減肥新食譜

































4、將木瓜盛入盤中,牛肉片鋪在木瓜上。 私房建議:可以用熟木瓜在油中炒熱,但不需炒太久。


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[09/18 cartier copia bracciale love]


No Name Ninja

